
Showing posts from March, 2023

Using Technology to Communicate with Students and Parents

Each day technology is developing rapidly in the world and United States. Each year a new phone or computer comes out, which is better than the last. New apps are being published rapidly for anyone to purchase. People are posting on social media daily, worldwide. These are all simple examples of how technology is developing. With the growth, there are many positives, but also negatives. Technology and media can provide wonderful opportunities, but can also be a danger to humanity. As  educators it is crucial to be aware of the strengths and weaknesses in technology in order to utilize it effectively for communication in the classroom. Cell phones have provided an opportunity for people to communicate from far distances at any time which is an amazing privilege. However, cell phones can limit the personal contact and communication of an individual by providing the easy option of a call, text, email, etc. Technology can take away from the gift of being in person with someone. It can limi

The Importance of PLN's as Christians

       Professional networking has provided opportunities, resources, and experiences for many individuals in their life and career. Linked In performed a study to research the impact of professional networking and found that 85% of professionals found networking to be a vital part of their success (LinkedIn). Furthermore, 80% of individuals receive a job through networking according to Apollo Technical. Networking is a way to glean from and influence others in a similar or differing profession. People around the US and the world each have different views, opinions, and resources. There are also many people with the same or similar profession, but they may take different precautions and have differing procedures. With a variety of beliefs and skills, networking provides an opportunity for people to learn and grow in their profession. This has been happening for years upon end, however, the networking platform has developed tremendously through technological growth, and social media.