The Importance of PLN's as Christians

     Professional networking has provided opportunities, resources, and experiences for many individuals in their life and career. Linked In performed a study to research the impact of professional networking and found that 85% of professionals found networking to be a vital part of their success (LinkedIn). Furthermore, 80% of individuals receive a job through networking according to Apollo Technical. Networking is a way to glean from and influence others in a similar or differing profession. People around the US and the world each have different views, opinions, and resources. There are also many people with the same or similar profession, but they may take different precautions and have differing procedures. With a variety of beliefs and skills, networking provides an opportunity for people to learn and grow in their profession. This has been happening for years upon end, however, the networking platform has developed tremendously through technological growth, and social media. 

    As Christians, it is important to network in order to be successful in our careers, but also to be a light and positive influence of Christ in our professional community. We see networking in the Bible, just in a different nature than how it is today. For instance, Jesus and his twelve disciples demonstrate a great spiritual network in the Bible (Luke 6:13). They were all followers of Jesus who could glean from each other. Furthermore, we were called to "build one another up" which demonstrates the power in developing relationships and listening(Romans 14:19). These are just 2 of the many examples the Bible provides in order to depict a picture of the importance in community.Who were the 12 disciples? |

    Therefore, I believe it is important for Christians to be educators who strive to learn from others in order to develop their ability to build the kingdom and better their career. We can delight in the convenient ability to develop a PLN in the online environment. A PLN will help Christians to be positive influencers and stronger educators in the educational profession.


Bible Gateway:

Apollo Technical:

Provisions Group:


  1. What stands out to me most about this post is the importance of using statistics to back a Christian example. Networking is like saying, "it's not what you know, it's who you know" except as Christians, what we know is also very important! If we truly believe that networking is something we should incorporate our Christianity into, the why do only network when it is convenient for us? Like your statistics at the beginning of the post stated, so much of our job life is found and maintained through networking. Our jobs then create relationships, perspectives, friendships, hobbies, etc. The moment we realize that PLN's can determine the course of our lives, the sooner we can incorporate our faith into all the networking we do.


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